Laura V.

Akustisk guitar, Guitar, Hørelære/Musikteori, Jazzguitar, Klaver, Komposition, Rytmisk guitar
Ambitious, flexible and creative teacher

About Laura
I am 24 and I live in Aarhus.
I am an electric guitar player, composer and arranger, graduated from Magna cum Laude in Jazz Guitar in Rome, Italy.

At the moment I am doing my Masters degree in Music Composition at Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium in Aarhus.

I mainly have a jazz background due to my studies of bachelor in jazz guitar, however, I have also played as a session guitarist in other musical situations such as reggae bands, acoustic duos, pop/folk songwriter bands and rock coverbands.

About teaching
I mainly teach rhythmic guitar, sight reading, harmony, theory and ear training. I have taught in different music schools in the past. I have experience teaching children as well as teenagers and adults.

Last year I have done a 6 month internship in Aalborg where I have taught guitar and sight reading in Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium in Aalborg.

I have basic skills also in piano, which I use when I teach harmony, theory, ear training and eventually also to explain theoretical concepts on guitar.

I am learning to speak Danish, but at the moment I am only able to teach in English. I am very flexible and I love leading my students towards their musical goals, listening to their needs and guiding them through the varieties in the musical world.

First lesson
Before the first lesson I like to have a conversation with the student to know their musical interests, their preparation (if any) and their goals, in order to focus the lessons on achieving it.

Once these elements are clear, I can organize some material for the first lesson, and then we can discuss together which direction to go.

Underviser også hos dig?

Ja. Kørselsgebyr skal dog påregnes.


30 minutter: 260 kr.
45 minutter: 340 kr.
60 minutter: 419 kr.


Vi giver altid en gratis lektion (30 min.) til nye elever, hvis du køber et 10 turs kort eller mere*. Ved 5 ture plus introlektion= 50 pct. rabat på de første 30 minutter af introlektionen. Jo flere lektioner du køber, jo mere rabat.

Enkeltlektioner: ingen rabat
5 ture: indkassering af introrabat.
10 ture: 5 pct. i rabat og introrabat. (*= én gratis lektion)
15 ture: 7 pct. i rabat og introrabat.
20 ture: 8 pct. i rabat og introrabat.
25 ture: 10 pct. i rabat og introrabat.
Sådan! :)
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Brug beskedfeltet til at fortælle om dit niveau og dine ønsker til undervisningen. Du modtager herefter en kvittering på mail.

Skriv til Laura V. og kontoret

Dit fulde navn *
E-mail *
Telefonnummeret deles ikke med andre end din underviser, som gerne vil have mulighed for at ringe dig op, når I skal aftale dato.
Postnummer *
Vi har brug for at vide, hvor I landet du bor, så vi kan finde en underviser tæt på dig. Dit postnummer deles ikke med andre end din underviser.
Instrument *