José V.

Akkordeon, Guzheng, Harmonika, Hørelære/Musikteori, Kammermusik, Rytmelære, Sammenspil
International erfaren underviser tilbyder harmonika-undervisning til alle aldre og niveauer.

He is a “timelærer” at The Royal Danish Academy of Music, and is one of the most promising accordionists of his generation.

International experience
José has performed with a variety of international orchestras, under the baton of several prestigious conductors.

He has given concerts all over the world, having participated in many international music festivals and performed at prestigious halls such as Casa da Música, Centro Cultural de Belém, Elbphilharmonie, Gulbenkian, Konzerthaus Berlin, Laeiszhalle, Merkin Hall, Philharmonie de Paris, Wigmore Hall, among others.

He has also been invited as jury at the International Accordion Week Alcobaça (Portugal) and Premio Internazionale della Fisarmonica di Castelfidardo (Italy).

– 1st prize at Castelo Branco Accordion Competition – Folefest (Portugal, 2008, 2009 and 2012)
– 1st prize at 6th Caldas da Rainha Young Interpreters Competition (Portugal, 2009)
– 1st prize at Prémio Jovens Músicos Competition (Portugal, 2014). He also won the European Union of Music Competitions for Youth prize (EMCY) and one Gulbenkian Scholarship, becoming the first soloist accordionist to receive the EMCY prize
– 1st prize ex-aequo at 17th Estoril Interpretation Competition, for all instruments (Portugal, 2015)
– 1st prize at PIF 2016 – 41st Castelfidardo International Accordion Prize (Italy)
– 1st prize at the The Royal Danish Academy of Music’s Scholarship Competition, for all instruments (2016)
– Golden medal at 1st Vienna International Music Competition (2019)
– Golden medal at 4th Manhattan International Music Competition (2019)
– Golden medal at 2nd Berliner International Music Competition (2019)

About teaching:
I teach children, young people, elderly people, beginners, advanced performers, basically anyone who has the passion for music. I teach accordion as my main subject and chamber music. I also teach elementary guzheng (I learned it for 7 years), ear training, music theory and rhythm for anyone who wishes to learn or improve his/her knowledge within these fields.

Everything will depend on the student’s wishes and necessities. I will always be there to inspire, motivate, contribute and, above all, to help them develop as much as possible.

I can also help any accordionist who wishes to further his/her studies at The Royal Danish Academy of Music (or any other Academy) by helping with the preparation for the accordion’s entrance exam. Teaching includes, among other elements:

– artistic interpretation
– accordion fingering technique
– accordion bellow technique (bellowshake, turning and compression)
– guzheng fingering technique
– articulation exercises
– memorization exercises
– rhythm exercises
– analysis exercises
– solfege exercises
– sight-reading exercises

I also give online lessons. In this case, I kindly ask the student to send me a copy of the score(s) before the lesson.

For more information:

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30 minutter: 290 kr.
45 minutter: 390 kr.
60 minutter: 480 kr.


Vi giver altid en gratis lektion (30 min.) til nye elever, hvis du køber et 10 turs kort eller mere*. Ved 5 ture plus introlektion= 50 pct. rabat på de første 30 minutter af introlektionen. Jo flere lektioner du køber, jo mere rabat.

Enkeltlektioner: ingen rabat
5 ture: indkassering af introrabat.
10 ture: 5 pct. i rabat og introrabat. (*= én gratis lektion)
15 ture: 7 pct. i rabat og introrabat.
20 ture: 8 pct. i rabat og introrabat.
25 ture: 10 pct. i rabat og introrabat.
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