
Skilled and motivated drum teacher.

Feel the rhythm of life. You can practice literally everywhere.

About Miklos
My name is Miklos. Officially I have been drumming since I was 8 years old.

But in fact, since the first day of elementary school, when I started to get bored in class and realized that drumming on the table was the best occupation.

Since then, I have studied with many teachers. I graduated from music school as a distinguished graduate student and also attended private lessons in parallel.

I’ve also played in various bands and music projects, as well as given a solo performance to show that the drum alone stands its ground.

I learned from the best. I personally attended the real-life workshops of the best drummers to gain world-renowned knowledge. That’s how I met with Billy Kobham, Areon Spears, Michael Schack, Dennis Chambers, and Tommy Campbell.

My specialization is free improvisation, solo drumming, and finding the drum base for all your music.

My favourite styles are rock, funk, blues, jazz and pop. I am experienced in acoustic and electric drums as well, and I even made drums myself.

My teaching is based on the rudimentary basics, because this is the basis of modern drumming.

I would specifically focus on hitting technique and the independence of the limbs.

As drummers, we have to be able to play along with the music, so we would also try tempo exercises. In accordance with your needs, we delve into the musical style you like, for which a wide sheet music collection is available.

I believe that drumming can stand on its own, so I also consider solo drumming important. I will teach you how to build up your own solo, and how to make it enjoyable.

I offer online and offline lessons as well.

The first lesson
After a quick introduction, I will assess your drumming level and set goals.

I always build up the curriculum based on your knowledge and goals.

We discuss the practical aspects of the date and location, and we get down to business.

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Miklos tilbyder onlineundervisning - virtuelt via Skype, Messenger eller via video.
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30 minutter: 210 kr.
45 minutter: 290 kr.
60 minutter: 370 kr.


Vi giver altid en gratis lektion (30 min.) til nye elever, hvis du køber et 10 turs kort eller mere*. Ved 5 ture plus introlektion= 50 pct. rabat på de første 30 minutter af introlektionen. Jo flere lektioner du køber, jo mere rabat.

Enkeltlektioner: ingen rabat
5 ture: indkassering af introrabat.
10 ture: 5 pct. i rabat og introrabat. (*= én gratis lektion)
15 ture: 7 pct. i rabat og introrabat.
20 ture: 8 pct. i rabat og introrabat.
25 ture: 10 pct. i rabat og introrabat.
Sådan! :)
Udfyld og indsend formularen herunder helt uforpligtende, og så hører du fra os, når underviseren har fundet plads til dig i skemaet.
Brug beskedfeltet til at fortælle om dit niveau og dine ønsker til undervisningen. Du modtager herefter en kvittering på mail.

Skriv til Miklos og kontoret

Dit fulde navn *
E-mail *
Telefonnummeret deles ikke med andre end din underviser, som gerne vil have mulighed for at ringe dig op, når I skal aftale dato.
Postnummer *
Vi har brug for at vide, hvor I landet du bor, så vi kan finde en underviser tæt på dig. Dit postnummer deles ikke med andre end din underviser.
Instrument *